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Sochendra Hamal


Message from Chairman

Dear Respected,

Dreamland Management, Pvt. Ltd., Is the only reputed recruiting Agency in Nepal, which is established for creating an opportunity with our sincerity and dedication to the global placement for Nepalese workers.

Dreamland Management, Pvt. Ltd has been in service of the community at large, where there are skilled workmen available keen to work overseas for the furtherance of their prospects.

We are one of the leading and professionally managed overseas manpower organizations offering global placement services to companies for their manpower requirements.

In addition, we also provide training to the outgoing candidates to strengthen their acquired skills and even have brush-up English classes whenever the need arises.

Having been in this field for over more than five years, I can foresee a bright future in rendering this service of bringing closer the employers and employees for their mutual prosperity.

We also feel that there is ample scope for us to work to meet your manpower requirement. We can meet, discuss and finalize other terms and conditions to our mutual business interests.

We can assure you of complete satisfaction with our style of operation, confidentially as well as fruitful results.

Cheers and Best Wishes